LUFA 140302 Released

A quick one tonight; I’m ready for bed, but don’t want to forget about this.

I’ve just pushed out a new LUFA release, version 140302. This new release was sparked by Atmel’s brand new Atmel Studio 6.2 beta release, which required a manifest file update for the existing extension to work right — so I thought the time was nigh to get a new package out in the open anyway. I’ve actually been quite busy with other things the last few months (new job, moving across the world, some Atmel Studio extensions, a holiday, and not having any electronics hardware since it’s all still being shipped to me) so alas this update is a bit bland. That said, it contains some really, really great demo refactoring work by László Monda (who’s currently working on a pretty neat side project) so BIG kudos to him.

All my Atmel Studio extensions are now updated ready for 6.2, and waiting for approval in the Atmel Gallery (LUFA included). I’m actually pretty excited about the new release, as it marks the start of a move towards getting GDB debugging integrated as a backend to Atmel Studio. In laymens terms: they fixed debugging so that it should actually work now. Why that isn’t in gigantic 72-point font on the Atmel homepage I’ve no idea. You can grab non-gallery builds of my extensions here in the meantime until they go live officially.

Yesterday I grabbed a new website URL, since it was impossible to let slide: Props to Angus (of AVRFreaks fame – and a great guy as a bonus) who alerted me to the new rash of novelty Top Level Domains (TLDs) that just became recently available. I managed to be in time to snag the absolute, bestest, perfect vanity URL. Not sure what I’ll do with it yet other than confuse URL auto-linking scripts, so for now it just aliases FourWalledCubicle.

More to come soon, but not about my new workplace – they have a fairly strict policy on public media. On the bright side, plenty of other cool stuff to write about!

LUFA 140302 Changelog
LUFA 140302 Online Documentation
LUFA 140302 Project Page


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Mad props for the shameless advertising, Dean! 🙂

I plan to contribute some more to LUFA.



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  • 35 Years Old
  • Australian
  • Lover of embedded systems
  • Firmware engineer
  • Self-Proclaimed Geek

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